Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Taking the New Momma-to-be My Pyramid out for a Spin

In today's Washington Post, Sally Squires takes the US Department of Agriculture's new My Pyramid for Moms-to-Be out for spin. She takes a virtual mom and goes through pregnancy with her and discovers some healthy guidelines.

Inspired by Sally's adventure, I decided to take the tool out for a spin of my own.

I found the site easy to use. It is simple, input a little information and out comes a guide that can help you plan better portions and get a guideline for my daily intake. What I found is that I probably consume too many "discretionary calories" - extra fats and oils and should up my dark, green veggies.

The site also has tips on weight loss, pregnancy weight gain and breastfeeding. There are also additional pyramids for the other loves of your life, partners and children.

To try it for yourself, visit: http://www.mypyramid.gov/index.html

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